
Table of Contents

1. Electronic Music

1.1. Synthesis in General

1.4. Pure Data

1.6. Academic Readings

2. Creative Coding

2.1. Live Coding

2.2. Graphics

  • p5.js (a JavaScript library for creative coding)
  • ml5 (Friendly machine learning for the web)
  • Cinder (a free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++)
  • OSCAR (a tool to create beautiful, responsive Graphical User Interfaces to control interactive installations)
  • Nannou (An open-source creative-coding framework for Rust)

2.3. Others

  • ossia (Open Software System for Interactive Applications)

3. Audio Programming

4. Audio Software

5. Research Topics

5.1. Music Information Retrieval

5.1.1. Frameworks/Libraries

  • madmom (Python audio and music signal processing library)
  • msaf (Music Structure Analysis Framework )
  • crepe (CREPE: A Convolutional REpresentation for Pitch Estimation)
  • Chord-Recognition (Automatic chord recognition with PCP (Pitch Class Profile))

5.2. Music Generation

5.2.1. Frameworks/Libraries

  • Magenta
  • folk-rnn (folk music modelling with LSTM )
  • MuseGAN
  • tensorflow-wavenet (A TensorFlow implementation of DeepMind's WaveNet paper)
  • ddsp (Differentiable Digital Signal Processing)
  • dlib (A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++ )
  • cppflow (Run TensorFlow models in C++ without installation and without Bazel )

5.3. Rule-based performance system

5.5. Speech Recognition

5.6. Human Computer Interaction

6. Utility Tools/Apps

6.1. Unix

  • fd (A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find')
  • ripgrep (ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern)
  • fzf (A command-line fuzzy finder )

6.3. macOS

6.4. Cross-platform

  • SoX (the Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs)
  • Helio Project (libre music composition software)
  • MrsWatson (A command-line VST plugin host )
  • RenderMan (Command line C++ and Python VSTi Host library with MFCC, FFT, RMS and audio extraction and .wav writing. )

7. Emacs

7.1. Tutorials

8. Blogs

9. Misc